Regular users of CCHDO probably noticed a redesigned cruise page. The new page contains all the content of the old one, and some new content to go along with it. The primary focus of the redesign was on data and data history. Here are some of the highlights:

  • The dataset files have been made the primary focus of the page. They are now right at the top of the page and are BIG and noticable. Also returning is the hierarchical layout from previous generations of the CCHDO website.
  • The Big Green Download Data button has been made bigger and greener. OK, so it wasn’t made greener, but was moved to be more obvious. Clicking that button immediately sends you all the files in the dataset of the cruise (more on how we do that in a later post).
  • Descriptions of what “Unmerged Data” means. One of the biggest problems a data user can have is picking which data file they need. The previous cruise page, while meaningful to those of us at the CCHDO, was causing confusion.
  • File events in the data history. This was the most requested feature we received after that major website overhaul in 2015-04. When we relaunched the CCHDO website in April last year, perhaps the largest feature missing was the ability to see when things were happening to the data files. Things like submission dates, when files were merged with the main dataset, all were absent from the website.

File Events and Data History History

CCHDO has always maintained records of data processing notes. These are the, often cryptic, blobs of text that has appeared under the links to data since we’ve had a website. To make sense of these messages, you usually needed direct access to the file system the data was stored in. Things were simple, no duplicate file names to worry about, notes appeared next to the file they were about, there were actually FILES laying around a file system.

At some point, databases started running the backends of the CCHDO web presence. History notes were still text, but not longer files. Instead, the rows of a database table contained the history notes, this tied the note to the cruise, but decoupled it slightly from the file the note was about.

Soon, files themselves had entries in the database, not the binary data itself, but metadata. We started to record when certain events were happening to a file, submission date, merged into data set date, any notes specific to some exact file.

Several problems were noted with the maintainance of this database:

  • The file tables were fragemented by program, and file status. Seperate tables existed for files from submissions, files which were unprocessed, and files in the dataset. Even when the file itself was not changing.
  • The database was being edited almost entirely by hand.
  • Despite being a relational database, none of the integrity features offered were being used (e.g. no foreign key constraints).

The attempt to solve the above problems destablilized a few weeks after it launched. Perhaps more on that story in a future post. What resulted was the lean CCHDO site seen today. Due to the speedy nature in which it was built, a minimum of the most important features was the focus. Now that we are stable (and have had almost a year of stability), more complicated features are starting to be added. Including the data history timeline.

How the Timeline Works

Cruise and File metadata at CCHDO are stored in a JSON format. In fact, there are only two objects we keep track of:

  • The Cruise JSON Object (1 per cruise)
  • The File JSON Object (1 per file)

Everything you see on the cruise page is currently constructed from one object representing the cruise metadata, and many objects representing the files attached to that cruise.

The Cruise JSON object contains the data processing history notes, the File JSON objects contained only the submission record for that file, but only if it was submitted via the website. Deciding on how to store the information related to file events was tricky. The first way suggested was to have some optional keys inside the JSON which were for specific events:

  "merged": "2015-01-01",
  "submitted": "2014-12-10"

This was determined to be too restrictive, we couldn’t think of everything which might happen to a file so it was decided to have an array of generic “event” objects within the File JSON.

  "events": [
      "type": "submission",
      "date": "2014-12-10T00:00:00Z",
      "name": "Andrew Barna",
      "notes": "some notes in this string"

When the website loads all the file information, it combines all the file events with the cruise history notes. These combined objects are then sorted by date and passed to the view template for rendering.

Reconstructing History

Having a place to put the event records is only part of the solution. We also need to actually have some data to put there. Reconstructing this history proved to be the more time consuming task.

There had been (at least) three databases since the website became database powered. Reconstructing the history of any file meant going through these old databases. The earliest database was easy, there was a single table which contained the submit date, and merge date for most files. However, the old table contained only a file path. To match the old metadata with the current system was simply hashing the old file and looking for that hash in the current system.

For the later events, since 2014-11, we had to get clever with the metadata history. The CCHDO databsae maintains a record of every JSON object which has ever existed within it. It also will provide a list of timestamped JSON Patches that have been applied to an object (cruise or file). To reconstruct the history of changes which should also be recorded as events, meant looking through the list of patches for changes we cared about. For example, if a patch was applied which changed the role of a file from “unprocessed” to “merged”, then that was a sure sign we should add a merge event to the file.

After the various migration scripts were written and tested, it took about 5 minutes to loop through all the file metadata records to update them. We have about 12k files, so this meant about 40 files/second being updated. Since the updates were done using an HTTP API, and multiple round trips were involved, I’m pleased with the performance.

Oh… also we have an API. Soon to be public.
